About Us


We understand that finding the right care and support for yourself or a loved one, is always difficult. At Windsor Care (The Riders) we pride ourselves in providing a homely environment ensuring the highest quality of care and support for people.


The Riders opened in July 2021 and is located within the tranquil environment of Littlewick Green, near Maidenhead in Berkshire England.

The team at The Riders offer a warm welcome to all. Headed up by an experienced Registered Manager and is a unique care home in the area.

The Riders is a nursing care home providing personal care for up to 18 people. The service provides support to younger and older adults living with physical disabilities and/or mental health needs, including people living with dementia.

The team provides compassionate, person-centred care in a safe and friendly environment that exceeds expectations through the investment and support of a strong competent and skilled workforce, which ensures quality care and seeks to value and respect the uniqueness of residents and their families.

Residents range from those who are relatively independent to those who require care or support, nursing, dementia or end-of-life care. 

The Riders prides itself on providing discreet support in a place, which is not institutional and very much like home. Professionals believe it is this care that sets the care home apart from other homes, values that are echoed in the recommendations received from residents themselves, families and professionals.

Working in Partnership

We work in partnership with Local Authorities and Health Associations to provide a specialist short or long-term service, tailored to meet the needs of our residents. 

Our aim is to enhance quality of life by enabling people in our care, to make informed choices about their daily life. We actively engage with residents and relatives; encouraging regular feedback to ensure people in our care, maximise their independence throughout their stay